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Extracts from Literature

Criminal Justice

A man unjustly condemned to transportation finds that thieves thieve, but sometimes decency shines through too.

The Second World War

The Miracle of El Alamein

Under a moonlit sky in October 1942, Allied and Axis forces met in battle on the sands of the Egyptian desert.

Modern History

The War of the Austrian Succession

Prussia’s invasion of Silesia in 1740 plunged Europe into turmoil, and a French invasion of England became a very real threat.

Russian History

Samuel Greig

Scotsman Samuel Greig so impressed his superiors at the Admiralty in London that he was sent as an adviser to the Russian Imperial Navy.

Lives of the Saints

Abba John and the Lost Guide

A guide loses his way on the edge of the merciless Egyptian desert, but Abba John is too kind-hearted to tell him.

Anglo-Saxon Era

King Alfred’s Lyre

Charles Dickens explains how King Alfred the Great overcame the Great Heathen Army in 878, with the help of a little music.