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Stuart Era

Much Cry but Little Wool

Joseph Addison complains that the famous Cries of London are a lot of fuss about nothing.

The British Constitution

The Best and Worst of Britain

A Portuguese merchant assesses Great Britain’s market under the Hanoverians.

Stuart Era

A Country Squire in London

Lord Macaulay describes the toils of a typical country gentleman visiting London in the time of Charles II.

Character and Conduct

The Rests in Life’s Melody

A benevolent lecturer has to persuade a class of restless girls to stay inside on a rainy day.

Japanese History

Will Adams

An Elizabethan mariner reaches Japan under terrible hardships, only to find himself under sentence of death at the hands of his fellow Europeans.

Mediaeval History

The Assassination of Thomas Becket

Four knights thought they were helping their King, but they could not have made a greater mistake.