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Lives of the Saints

The Beautiful Side of the Picture

Heathen prince Boris I of Bulgaria (r. 852–889) commissioned St Methodius to paint an impressive scene for his palace walls.

The Hundred Years’ War

‘Let the boy earn his spurs!’

At the Battle of Crécy in 1346, the English army was trying out a new military tactic under the command of a sixteen-year-old boy.


The Bluebell Line

The Bluebell line in Sussex was the first failing British Railways line to be taken over by volunteers.

Discovery and Invention

The Hollow Blade Sword Company

Seventeenth-century German craftsmen came seeking a land of opportunity, and found it in County Durham.

Japanese Folktales

Blind Passions

Hardworking Kichijiro wins Ima’s heart and Kanshichi’s hatred without noticing a thing.

Sir Stamford Raffles

Sir Stamford Raffles

The Founder of Singapore established his city on principles of free people and free trade.