
Anglo-Saxon Era

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Lives of the Saints

St Edith’s Rebuke

King Canute could not believe that his hard-living predecessor Edgar could father a saint.

Lives of the Saints

St Edith’s Thumb

The way Edith kept tracing little crosses with her thumb made a great impression on Archbishop Dunstan.

Lives of the Saints

The Character of St Edith of Wilton

Edith of Wilton may have been the daughter of King, but she did not behave like one in the Abbey or the town.

Lives of the Saints

Apparel Oft Proclaims the Man

An austere Bishop of Winchester scolded St Edith for her comely nun’s habit, but the young woman’s eyes saw further than his.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and Hildemer’s Wife

Cuthbert’s friend comes asking for a priest to attend his dying wife — so long as it isn’t Cuthbert.

Scandinavian History

Athelstan and the Prince of Norway

Soon after Athelstan became England’s first king, he played a trick on the King of Norway which demanded a reply.