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Lives of the Saints

The Conversion of Guthlac

Inspired by an avid interest in English warrior heroes, the fifteen-year-old Guthlac recruited a band of freebooting militiamen.

Lives of the Saints

Guthlac, Pega and the Blind Boatman

St Pega welcomed a royal servant with a serious eye condition to the monastery founded by her brother, St Guthlac.

History of Africa

Mauled by a Lion

The villagers of Mabutso in Southern Africa begged Dr David Livingstone to rid them of a menacing pride of lions.

Extracts from Literature

The Source of Civilisation

Diplomat William Eton warns his fellow Englishmen that shutting down debate does not make for a more united society.

Character and Conduct

‘Come in and Know Me Better’

Mill owner William Grant was deeply hurt by a scurrilous pamphlet circulated by a fellow businessman, and vowed the miscreant would live to regret it.

Discovery and Invention

The Iron Seamstress

William Jerrold saw the new-fangled sewing machine as an opportunity to get women into the professions — but time was of the essence.