
Classical History

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Classical History

‘They Make a Desert and Call it Peace’

After the kingdoms of Great Britain were absorbed into the Roman Empire, the promises of prosperity and civilisation came only to a favoured few.

Classical History

Rome, Ruin and Revenue

Rome’s greedy tax policy in Britain and Gaul left farmers with little to show for their labours but the stripes on their backs.

Classical History

An Appeal to Philip Sober

A woman convicted of a crime she did not commit took her case to a higher power.

Aulus Cornelius Gellius

Androcles and the Lion

Gaius Caesar is disappointed with the quality of the entertainment on offer in Rome’s Circus Maximus.

Classical History

A Test of Loyalty

A Roman general asks his officers to decide where their priorities lie.

Classical History

Mark Antony Catches a Kipper

The surprisingly sensitive Roman commander was hoping to impress a girl with his angling skills.