
Poets and Poetry

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Poets and Poetry


Three years before the Great War, Rudyard Kipling recalled how one English king simply paid his bullying neighbours to stay at home.

Poets and Poetry

O, You Hard Hearts!

Marullus was disgusted at the way that the fickle people of Rome turned so easily from one hero to another.

Poets and Poetry

The Dog and the Water Lilies

William Cowper told Lady Hesketh about a walk beside the river at Olney, and the affecting behaviour of his spaniel Beau.

Poets and Poetry

On Westminster Bridge

On his way to war-torn France, William Wordsworth passed through London and was overwhelmed by the quiet of the early morning.

Poets and Poetry

The Time of Age

Seventeenth-century poet and statesman Edmund Waller reflects on the benefits of advancing years.

Character and Conduct

Vice and Virtue

Vice is a fact of life, wrote Pope, and God can even bring good out of it; but vice is never a virtue and in tackling vice together we make our society stronger.