
Classical History

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Classical History

An Errand of Love

Leander recalls that first night when he dared the perilous waters of the Hellespont, and swam to meet his lover Hero.

Classical History

The Night Vesuvius Blew

Pliny was only about nine when his uncle left to go and help rescue the terrified townspeople of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Classical History

A Surfeit of Lampreys

Augustus, the Roman Emperor, invited himself to dine at the luxury Naples villa of Publius Vedius Pollio, but a broken goblet thoroughly spoilt the evening.


The Grandest of All Sepulchres

On the annual Remembrance Day of ancient Athens, Pericles rose to remind the people of the City that grief alone was not the best way to honour the fallen.

Greek History

The Liberty of Athens

The supreme arts and literature of ancient Athens all sprang from the State’s refusal to interfere in the life of the citizen.

Greek History

The Glory of Athens

Classical Greece has been an inspiration to every generation because she stands for the triumph of liberty and reason over prejudice and power.