Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Restoration of the Icons

By the early eighth century, sacred art was thriving in newly-Christian England, but in the East seeds of doubt and confusion had been sown.


Fair Rosamund

Charles Dickens tells the story of King Henry II and the enchantingly beautiful Rosamund Clifford.


The Lion and the Ant

Richard I thought a veteran Crusader and conqueror of Saladin could handle a few French peasants.


Eddi’s Service

Rudyard Kipling’s poem about St Wilfrid’s chaplain and an unusual Christmas congregation.


St Bede and the Singing Stones

The Northumbrian monk is duped into wasting one of his beautifully-crafted sermons on a row of dumb rocks.


St Wilfrid and the Fishers of Men

Driven out of Northumbria, Bishop Wilfrid goes to the south coast and saves a kingdom from starvation.