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Discovery and Invention

John Harrison’s Marine Chronometer

When Harrison won the Longitude Prize, fair and square, Parliament wouldn’t pay up.

Abolition of Slavery

In the Nick of Time

Anti-slavery campaigner Granville Sharp had a court order preventing Thomas Lewis being shipped off to slavery, but he had to find him first.

Lives of the Saints

How Benedict Biscop brought Byzantium to Britain

The chapel of Bede’s monastery in Sunderland was full of the colours and sounds of the far-off Mediterranean world.

Classical History

Horatius at the Bridge

Horatius Cocles was the last man standing between Rome’s republic and the return of totalitarian government in 509 BC.

Lives of the Saints

St Hild at Whitby

Hild founded an abbey that poured out a stream of priests and bishops for the revitalised English Church.

Cat Stories

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose!

(That’s cat-tails, obviously.) And who ever said cats were unpredictable?