
Georgian Era

in The Copy Book

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The South Sea Bubble

An attempt to pay down the National Debt provoked a frenzy of financial speculation.


The Adventures of Lord Forbes of Pitsligo

At sixty-seven, Alexander Forbes rode to war with Bonnie Prince Charlie, and over a decade afterwards was still a hunted man.


Changing Times

The editor of the country’s most famous newspaper had to use a little sleight-of-hand to bring journalism to the people.


The Cradle of Our Race

Edmund Burke warned that the French Revolution could have a devastating effect on British and European culture.


The Zong Massacre

After a hundred and forty-two slaves were tossed overboard in an insurance scam, Granville Sharp wouldn’t let the matter rest.


A Cavalier Attitude

Royalist soldier Sir Jacob Ashly exemplified a Christian gentleman in the heat of battle.