Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Wellington’s Cook

The hero of Waterloo needed all his men to believe in him that day, but none believed in him more than his cook.


The Life-Giving Spring

An obscure officer in the Roman Army gains a dizzying promotion after performing a simple act of kindness.


Serjeant Munday

William Howitt had some advice for Victorian tourists hoping for an authentic experience at the battlefield of Waterloo.


The Consecration of Bishop Cuthbert

Cuthbert would not go to King Ecgfrith, so King Ecgfrith and his entire court had to go to Cuthbert.


Misreading Russia

Richard Cobden asked Parliament to make a better effort to understand the Russian mindset.


Early Warning

An Italian businessman and his family in 18th century Messina owed their lives to their pet cats.