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Character and Conduct

The School of Difficulty

It is not educational institutions and methods that advance science or the arts, but people.

Discovery and Invention

Dr Wollaston

William Hyde Wollaston discovered new elements and helped Faraday to greatness, all from the top of a tea-tray.

Frederick Douglass

Douglass’s Debt

British statesmen were among those who inspired the career of one of America’s greatest men, Frederick Douglass.

Discovery and Invention

Mr Faraday

Faraday’s work on electromagnetism made him an architect of modern living, and one of Albert Einstein’s three most revered physicists.

Character and Conduct

On Equal Terms

An aristocratic statesman was choked with emotion as he reflected on Britain’s creative social mobility.

Discovery and Invention

Sir Sandford Fleming

What George Stephenson was to the railways of England, Sandford Fleming was to the railways of Canada.