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Indian History

Britain’s Best Gift to India

Samuel Smiles reminds us that until we brought the railways to India, we had little to boast about as an imperial power.

American Revolutionary War

The Battle of Flamborough Head

When captain Richard Pearson of the Royal Navy surrendered to American revolutionary John Paul Jones, Jones naturally assumed that meant he had won.

Discovery and Invention

Alan Blumlein

Railway enthusiast, music lover, and the man who gave us stereo sound.

Lives of the Saints

St Ahmed

A Turkish official was itching to know the secret behind a Russian slave girl’s personal charm.

Lives of the Saints

Redeemed for Five Shillings

Elfric, the tenth-century English abbot, suggests a practical way of thinking about the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Discovery and Invention

The Story of ‘Charlotte Dundas’

The invention of the steamboat was a formidable challenge not just of engineering, but of politics and finance.