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Norman Era

The Battle of the Standard

Scottish King David I hoped to exploit the unpopularity of the Normans by trading on his own English heritage.

Discovery and Invention

The Rainhill Trials

To prove that steam power was the future of railways, George Stephenson held a truly historic competition.

The First World War

Captain Charles Fryatt

A civilian ferry captain was court-martialled by the Germans for thumbing his nose at their U-Boats.

Lives of the Saints

St Nicholas and the Empty Granary

The saintly Bishop helped the captain of a merchant ship to cut through the red tape, and save his town from starvation.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Phantom Fire

The Northumbrian saint warned of an enemy who would stop at nothing to silence the good news.

Discovery and Invention

India’s First Railway

The opening of the Bombay to Thane line was the real beginning of British India.