
The Hundred Years’ War

in The Copy Book

There are twelve posts in The Copy Book tagged The Hundred Years’ War. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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The Siege of Saint-James

Henry VI’s campaign to confirm himself as King of France looked to be in trouble after the Duke of Brittany switched sides.


Away to Your Own Country

As the Duke of Bedford and other English captains were besieging Orleans, they received a startling letter from a seventeen-year-old girl.


St John of Beverley at Agincourt

Following the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, King Henry V instructed the Church of York to recognise the contribution of one of her eighth-century bishops.


A Stout Answer

A few weeks after a large French raiding party had been driven away from the Isle of Wight, another flotilla arrived from across the Channel demanding money with menaces.


A War of Words

A few years before the Battle of Agincourt, the Duke of Orléans challenged King Henry IV to meet him in Bordeaux for a winner-takes-all joust.


Up Before the Bench

As a young prince Henry V was ‘fierce and of wanton courage,’ Thomas Elyot tells us, but there was one man with courage to match his.