Coverdale Psalms

Psalm 135

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O PRAISE the Lord, laud ye the Name of the Lord : praise it, O ye servants of the Lord;

2 Ye that stand in the house of the Lord : in the courts of the house of our God.

3 O praise the Lord, for the Lord is gracious : O sing praises unto his Name, for it is lovely.

4 For why? the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself : and Israel for his own possession.

5 For I know that the Lord is great : and that our Lord is above all gods.

6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven and in earth : and in the sea, and in all deep places.

7 He bringeth forth the clouds from the ends of the world : and sendeth forth lightnings with the rain, bringing the winds out of his treasures.

8 He smote the first-born of Egypt : both of man and beast.

9 He hath sent tokens and wonders into the midst of thee, O thou land of Egypt : upon Pharaoh, and all his servants.

10 He smote divers nations : and slew mighty kings;

11 Sehon king of the Amorites, and Og the king of Basan : and all the kingdoms of Canaan;

12 And gave their land to be an heritage : even an heritage unto Israel his people.

13 Thy Name, O Lord, endureth for ever : so doth thy memorial, O Lord, from one generation to another.

14 For the Lord will avenge his people : and be gracious unto his servants.

15 As for the images of the heathen, they are but silver and gold : the work of men’s hands.

16 They have mouths, and speak not : eyes have they, but they see not.

17 They have ears, and yet they hear not : neither is there any breath in their mouths.

18 They that make them are like unto them : and so are all they that put their trust in them.

19 Praise the Lord, ye house of Israel : praise the Lord, ye house of Aaron.

20 Praise the Lord, ye house of Levi : ye that fear the Lord, praise the Lord.

21 Praised be the Lord out of Sion : who dwelleth at Jerusalem.

See also the translation in The Authorized Version and the metrical psalter of Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady

Chapter 134
Chapter 136
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Books of the Bible

A list of the books of the Bible, including the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament, listed in the order in which they appear in the Authorized Version of 1611.

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1 Genesis 2 Exodus 3 Leviticus 4 Numbers 5 Deuteronomy 6 Joshua 7 Judges 8 Ruth 9 1 Samuel 10 2 Samuel 11 1 Kings 12 2 Kings 13 1 Chronicles 14 2 Chronicles 15 Ezra 16 Nehemiah 17 Esther 18 Job 19 Psalms -- Psalms (Coverdale) 20 Proverbs 21 Ecclesiastes 22 Song of Solomon 23 Isaiah 24 Jeremiah 25 Lamentations 26 Ezekiel 27 Daniel 28 Hosea 29 Joel 30 Amos 31 Obadiah 32 Jonah 33 Micah 34 Nahum 35 Habakkuk 36 Zephaniah 37 Haggai 38 Zechariah 39 Malachi


1 1 Esdras 2 2 Esdras 3 Tobit 4 Judith 5 The Rest of Esther 6 Wisdom 7 Ecclesiasticus 8 Baruch 9 Song of the Three 10 Susanna 11 Bel and the Dragon 12 Manasseh 13 1 Maccabees 14 2 Maccabees


1 Matthew 2 Mark 3 Luke 4 John 5 Acts 6 Romans 7 1 Corinthians 8 2 Corinthians 9 Galatians 10 Ephesians 11 Philippians 12 Colossians 13 1 Thessalonians 14 2 Thessalonians 15 1 Timothy 16 2 Timothy 17 Titus 18 Philemon 19 Hebrews 20 James 21 1 Peter 22 2 Peter 23 1 John 24 2 John 25 3 John 26 Jude 27 Revelation

Books of the Bible

A list of the books of the Bible, including the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament, listed in alphabetical order of their common names.

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1 Acts nt 2 Amos ot 3 Baruch ap 4 Bel and the Dragon ap 5 1 Chronicles ot 6 2 Chronicles ot 7 Colossians nt 8 1 Corinthians nt 9 2 Corinthians nt 10 Daniel ot 11 Deuteronomy ot 12 Ecclesiastes ot 13 Ecclesiasticus ap 14 Ephesians nt 15 1 Esdras ap 16 2 Esdras ap 17 Esther ot 18 Exodus ot 19 Ezekiel ot 20 Ezra ot 21 Galatians nt 22 Genesis ot 23 Habakkuk ot 24 Haggai ot 25 Hebrews nt 26 Hosea ot 27 Isaiah ot 28 James nt 29 Jeremiah ot 30 Job ot 31 Joel ot 32 John nt 33 1 John nt 34 2 John nt 35 3 John nt 36 Jonah ot 37 Joshua ot 38 Jude nt 39 Judges ot 40 Judith ap 41 1 Kings ot 42 2 Kings ot 43 Lamentations ot 44 Leviticus ot 45 Luke nt 46 1 Maccabees ap 47 2 Maccabees ap 48 Malachi ot 49 Manasseh ap 50 Mark nt 51 Matthew nt 52 Micah ot 53 Nahum ot 54 Nehemiah ot 55 Numbers ot 56 Obadiah ot 57 1 Peter nt 58 2 Peter nt 59 Philemon nt 60 Philippians nt 61 Proverbs ot 62 Psalms ot -- Psalms (Coverdale) ot 63 Revelation nt 64 Romans nt 65 Ruth ot 66 1 Samuel ot 67 2 Samuel ot 68 Song of Solomon ot 69 Song of the Three ap 70 Susanna ap 71 The Rest of Esther ap 72 1 Thessalonians nt 73 2 Thessalonians nt 74 1 Timothy nt 75 2 Timothy nt 76 Titus nt 77 Tobit ap 78 Wisdom ap 79 Zechariah ot 80 Zephaniah ot
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A Prayer After Singing the Psalms

O THOU who settest souls at liberty, O redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ, eternal God, immortal king, I, even I a sinner, implore thy immeasurable clemency, that by thy great pity, and by the intoning of Psalms which I an unworthy sinner have chanted, thou wilt set my soul at liberty from sin. Turn my heart aside from all evil, crooked, treacherous thoughts; set my body at liberty from slavery to sin, drive far from me fleshly lust, deliver me from every hindrance of satan, and of his visible and invisible ministers, thy faithless enemies who seek after my soul. Preserve me from these and all evils, O Saviour of the world, who with God the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, and hast the dominion, God throughout endless ages of ages. Amen.

St Bede (?672-735)