Express each of these phrases in a single word.
Suggest a single word equivalent in meaning to each phrase below. There may be more than one suitable answer: think of as many as you can, and then choose the one you like best.
IIntrusion on another’s territory; IIa place of protection, recognised as inviolable; IIIa word to be given in response to a sentry’s challenge; IVa sudden rush of wind and rain; Vnumerous items lying about in disorder; VIa mechanical device for telling the time; VIIinflammable material in which a spark is caught; VIIIa person of no account; IXostentatious boldness; Xa low, continuous sound, as of distant traffic.
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Suggested Words
Castle. Clock. Clutter. Countersign. Cypher. Drone. Encroachment. Fortress. Hum. Invasion. Kindling. Nobody. Password. Rumble. Sanctuary. Squall. Swagger. Trespass. Watch.
Adapted from an exercise in Exercises 12-13 (1933) by NL Clay.
Posted January 10
Tags: Think and Speak (37) Vocabulary (2)
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