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St George, ca. 1450, Church of St Peter and St Paul, Pickering. St George is the Patron Saint of Clay Lane. See About St George.

© Michael Garlick, Geograph. CC BY-SA 2.0. Source

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Clay Lane


New posts, old posts, and a few brainteasers

January 20 January 7 OS

This page keeps you up-to-date with recent additions to Clay Lane. Keep track of new posts, and discover posts you may have missed. Read brief extracts from novels, plays and poems, and passages from history that are often uncannily modern. Tackle exercises in grammar, vocabulary and creative composition similar to those NL Clay gave to pupils aged 12-13 in the 1930s. Listen to short pieces of tuneful classical music, and watch scenes from classic films.

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Add Vowels Every DayThink and Speak

Make as many words as you can by adding vowels (AEIOU) to these consonants.

mtr (7+4)

See Words

amateur. mature. meteor. meter. metre. metro. motor.

mater. meatier. metier. mitre.

Spinners Every DayThink and Speak

Pick any group of three words, and see if you can still remember them in an hour, and still remember them tomorrow. For a further challenge, try using all of your three words together in a single sentence.

The words in this puzzle are taken randomly from a list of 927 common words. You can change e.g. cat → cats, go → went, quick → quickly.

1 College. Rock. Serve.

2 Role. Second. Station.

3 His. Note. Start.

Variations: 1. include direct and indirect speech 2. include one or more of these words: although, because, despite, either/or, if, unless, until, when, whether, which, who 3. use negatives (not, isn’t, neither/nor, never, nobody etc.)

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1 ★ For Today

On his visits to Durham Gaol, prison reformer John Howard found conditions that were all too familiar.

‘There’s Nae Good Luck in Durham Gaol’ was the title of a music-hall song by Tyneside song-maker Tommy Armstrong (1848-1919). It would have been scant consolation to know it, but conditions in the 1770s were far worse than in Tommy’s day. Here, pioneering prison reformer John Howard takes us on a very personal guided tour.

★ For January 20 nsThe Death of John Howard (1790)


Tags: Copy Book (73)


Naughty Eppie

Silas Marner has to harden his heart and teach little Eppie a lesson she will remember.

Silas Marner has suffered griefs enough to break any man. His salvation has been a little girl: the bachelor had found her in his home, and her mother dead in the snow outside, one New Year’s Eve. It wasn’t easy to juggle a weaver’s work and a curious toddler. One day the artful creature found his scissors, snipped through the linen-band harness he had made for her safe-keeping, and wandered unnoticed out of the cottage.

Posted Today



Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Othello, Op. 79: II. Children’s Intermezzo

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3m 45s

Posted Today

Tags: Music Video (25)

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Compose sentences to illustrate the meaning of these words.

Suppose someone asked you what one of these words meant. What sentences could you compose to make the meaning clear?

IFoist. IIHamper (verb). IIINudge. IVSpurn. VWheedle.

Tip: Try writing sentences that also include a word of opposite meaning, or one that is similar in meaning but creates a helpful contrast.

Posted Today

Tags: Think and Speak (37) Vocabulary (2)

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A European Fraud

Dostoevsky had to break it to Moscow’s students that ordinary Russians found their brand of politics patronising.

On April 3rd, 1878, a group of students was beaten up by the locals during a Moscow demonstration. Fyodor Dostoevsky, responding to their plea for sympathy, replied as nicely as he could that the public just didn’t see students as their friends. They saw them as foreign agents, the tools of pro-Western elites who didn’t understand the people — and worse, didn’t respect them.

Posted Yesterday



Suggest words in which the letter ‘o’ is pronounced as it is in ‘comely’.

See of you can think of at least TEN words in which the letter ‘o’ is pronounced as it is in ‘comely’.

Suggested Words

Based on School Certificate English Practice (1933) by NL Clay.

Posted January 18

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Make as many words as you can from just nine letters. Can you beat our score?

See All Words

ahem alit amulet email emit hail hale halt hamlet hate haul heal heat helium helm hilt humiliate item lame late lath lathe leat lima lime limit lite lithe lithium lute mail male malt mate maul meal meat melt metal mile milieu mite mule mute tail tale tame teal team them tile time
humiliate hamlet helium email lathe limit lithe metal ahem emit hail hale halt hate haul heal heat helm hilt item lame late lime lute mail male malt mate maul meal meat melt mile mite mule mute tail tale tame teal team them tile time
ahem alit amulet email emit hail hale halt hamlet hate haul heal heat helium helm hilt humiliate item lame late lath lathe leat lima lime limit lite lithe lithium lute mail male malt mate maul meal meat melt metal mile milieu mite mule mute tail tale tame teal team them tile time

Posted January 17