Word Games

Glendurgan maze, Cornwall.

By Daderot. Public domain image. Source

Word Games

A collection of puzzles with words and letters. Make words from the letters of a nine-letter-word, or go against the clock in my Honeycomb Game.

There are six posts tagged Word Games in Think and Speak.

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Posts 262

Make as many words of four letters of more from the letters you are given, using each letter just once. Can you beat our score? What is the nine-letter word?

Picture: © Avenue. CC BY-SA 3.0.. Source.



Posts 8

Several of NL Clay’s exercises asked pupils to find apt synonyms or reduce an ungainly phrase to a single word. Our crosswords follow the same approach.

Picture: © Miguel Mendez. Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0.. Source.


High Tiles

Make as many words as you can from seven letters. What’s your highest scoring word?

Picture: © Gertrude206, WIkimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0.. Source.



Change one word into another word, a letter at a time. See if you can use fewer steps than we did.

Picture: © Abdul Momin, Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0.. Source.


Honeycomb Game

Make words using letters from adjacent cells in a ‘honeycomb’. Increase your score with letters such as J and Q, and letters carrying bonus points.

Picture: © Gzen92, Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-4.0.. Source.


Add Vowels

See how many words you can make just by adding vowels to these consonants.

Picture: © Vietsui, Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 4.0.. Source.