The less glamorous code of Rugby football, but the best for sheer speed and strength.
Rugby League is a form of the sport of Rugby Football that dominates in northern England, but is overshadowed in the south by more fashionable Rugby Union. Once the only professional form of the game, over the years Rugby League has became the faster, harder, and arguably more exciting code.
Posted April 10 2017
Abbot Elfric expounds a Palm Sunday text to explain how Christianity combines orderly behaviour with intelligent and genuine liberty.
In a sermon for Palm Sunday, Abbot Elfric (955-1010) of the monastery in Eynsham in Oxfordshire drew on the Biblical account of Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem to show that Christianity tames the wildness of man not by the bridle of coercion and law, but by the wisdom of reason and freewill.
Posted April 8 2017
The British encountered no stouter resistance in India than Mysore’s gifted commmander Hyder Ali and his son, Tipu.
The Princely State of Mysore was for many years one of the most prosperous and pro-British kingdoms of the Raj, but in the late eighteenth century it was briefly dominated by two of Britain’s most bitter and successful opponents, Hyder Ali (?1722-1782) and his son Tipu (1750-1799).
Posted April 7 2017
For Jesus Christ to step down alive from his cross would have been a mighty miracle, but not the mightiest.
In a sermon for Easter Day, Abbot Elfric (955-1010) reminded his congregation that the people of Jerusalem thought it would be a miracle worthy of God for Jesus to step down alive from his cross. A miracle, yes; but not so worthy of God as the one he then performed.
Posted April 6 2017
Pip Pirrip never misses a moment of visiting time with Abel Magwitch, the convict who made him into a gentleman, in the prison hospital.
Pip Pirrip has finally met the anonymous benefactor who made him a gentleman – a transported felon, Abel Magwitch, illegally back in Britain just to see him. But shock and disgust have given way to pity and respect; and now Abel lies in a prison hospital, unlikely to trouble the hangman, Pip never misses a minute of visiting hour.
Posted April 6 2017
The eighth-century English bishop and poet Cynewulf explores a prophecy from the Song of Solomon.
In these lines from ‘Christ’ by Cynewulf (possibly the 8th century bishop Cynewulf of Lindisfarne), the poet reflects upon some beautiful words from the Song of Solomon, which he understands as a prophecy of Jesus Christ.
Posted April 1 2017