Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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At the Baron’s Board

However grim and severe the thirteenth century baron might be in his public duties, at dinner-time it was all wine, laughter and song.


Keeping the Colonies

Peoples of another culture or region will not long tolerate a Government that uses guns and soldiers to secure their obedience.


The Politics of Language

John Lynch, exiled to France by Cromwell’s men, lamented the way that Irish was being labelled as a language of sedition.


Beyond the Pale

Lionel of Clarence, Edward III’s younger son, went to Ireland as his Lieutenant in order to stop English expats becoming like the Irish.


Little Rays of Sunshine

‘Alpha of the Plough’ wished that he had been born with the gift of a winning smile.


Mrs Lock’s Radical Ride

William Cobbett was delighted with one young woman’s protest against Mr Pitt’s ingenious ways of raising money.