Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Water into Wine

Abbot Elfric explains the significance of Christ’s miracle at Cana.


Disbanding Empire

Adam Smith could not imagine it would ever happen, but he nevertheless recommended that Britain grant independence to her colonies.


Progressive Travancore

Contemporary historian Ramanath Aiyar catalogued the ways in which Maharajah Moolam Thurunal led the way in modernising British India.


Engines of Progress

Sir Bartle Frere, Governor of Bombay, shared his excitement at the way railways were making Indians more independent.


The Pedlar of Swaffham

A persistent dream prompts a Norfolk tradesman to walk all the way to London in the hope of bettering his lot.


Mistakes, Right and Wrong

Sir Hubert Parry explained to students at the Royal College of Music that some mistakes are creative whereas others are destructive.