Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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An Appeal to the Ladies of England

Manto Mavrogenous hoped that her fellow women might show more solidarity with Greece than many men had done.


Manto Mavrogenous

In 1822, a rich and beautiful young woman took the cause of Greek independence into her capable hands.


On Holy Ground

A traveller went into a Shropshire pub looking for information about a patch of grass with peculiar properties.


The Wife of Bath’s Tale

An Arthurian knight commits a dreadful crime against a woman, and is sent by Queen Guinevere on a fitting errand.


The Six Labours of Theseus

Young Theseus sets out for Athens on foot to claim his kingdom, but the road is infested with giants, bandits and a savage sow.


Could Do Better

The Report of the Newcastle Commission confirmed that there were no Dotheboys Halls among Yorkshire’s private schools.