Psalms and Canticles

Psalms and Canticles

Translations of the Psalms and other Biblical hymns, from sources other than the King James Bible.

The following ten items have been tagged Psalms and Canticles.

The passages collected in this section are not taken from the Authorized Version, but they are written in a similar kind of Church English, and most of them come from the Bible. Several of them are from the Book of Common Prayer, first published in 1549; they include the Prayer Book’s Psalter, which had been translated by Myles Coverdale in 1535. Also included is a metrical translation of the Psalms by Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady.

For the Psalms in the Authorised Version, see The Book of Psalms (KJV). To search the text of the Psalms, go to Search the KJV or Search Tate and Brady.

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Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart

The Song of Simeon, or ‘Nunc Dimittis’, which Simeon sang as he took the infant Jesus in his arms.


The Psalms

The translation of the Book of Psalms included in the Authorized Version of 1611.


Seven Penitential Psalms

Seven psalms chosen by Cassiodorus (?485-?585) for expressing heartfelt repentance and confident hope.


A Daily Psalter

Read the Book of Psalms through in a month.


Tate and Brady’s Psalter

A metrical translation of the Book of Psalms, done into rhyming English verse by the author of ‘While Shepherds Watched’.


My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord

The Virgin Mary’s spontaneous hymn of praise when she told her cousin about the angel Gabriel.