Clay Lane Blog


Posts tagged Polywords in the blog

December 7 November 24 OS



From Polywords

I have added a new Polyword to the collection.

Make as many words as you can using only the nine letters you are given below. Your words should all be four letters or more in length, and they should all contain the letter highlighted in the centre of the grid. You may not use the same letter twice. There is one nine-letter word to find.

See All Words

cent cine cite cited code coed coin coined come comet condemn condiment cone coned conned contend cote demo demon demonic demotic denim dent dice diet dime dine dint dome done dote edict edit emit iced icon idem income indent intend into intone intoned item medic medico mend mention mice mien mince minced mind mine mined mint minted mite mode monied mote neon nice nine node none nonet note noted notice noticed omen omit once otic tend tendon tenon tide tied time timed tine tinned toed tome tone toned tonic tonne
condiment condemn contend mention income indent intend intone notice tendon tinned comet demon denim edict medic mince tonic cent cite code coin come cone demo dent dice diet dime dine dint done dome edit emit iced icon into item mend mind mine mint mite mode mote mice neon nice nine node none note omen omit once tend tide tied time toed tone
cent cine cite cited code coed coin coined come comet condemn condiment cone coned conned contend cote demo demon demonic demotic denim dent dice diet dime dine dint dome done dote edict edit emit iced icon idem income indent intend into intone intoned item medic medico mend mention mice mien mince minced mind mine mined mint minted mite mode monied mote neon nice nine node none nonet note noted notice noticed omen omit once otic tend tendon tenon tide tied time timed tine tinned toed tome tone toned tonic tonne



From Polywords

I have added a new Polyword to the collection.

Make as many words as you can using only the nine letters you are given below. Your words should all be four letters or more in length, and they should all contain the letter highlighted in the centre of the grid. You may not use the same letter twice. There is one nine-letter word to find.

See All Words

alien alit alive alpine ante anti anvil elan entail evil inept inlet invite lain lane late lave lean leant leap leapt leat lent lien line lint lite live liven nail naive nape native nave navel neap neat pail pain paint pale pane panel pant pantile pate paten pave peal peat pelt penal pent petal pile pine pint pita plain plaint plaintive plait plan plane planet plant plate plea pleat pliant tail tale tape teal tiepin tile tine vain vale valent valet vane veal veil vein venal venial vent vial vile vine vital
plaintive invite native planet alien alive anvil inept inlet leant leapt naive navel paint panel penal petal plain plane plant plate pleat valet venal vital evil lane late lean leap lent lain line lint live nail nape nave neat pail pain pale pane pant pave peal peat pelt pile pine pint plan plea tail tale tape tile vain veal veil vein vent vile vine
alien alit alive alpine ante anti anvil elan entail evil inept inlet invite lain lane late lave lean leant leap leapt leat lent lien line lint lite live liven nail naive nape native nave navel neap neat pail pain paint pale pane panel pant pantile pate paten pave peal peat pelt penal pent petal pile pine pint pita plain plaint plaintive plait plan plane planet plant plate plea pleat pliant tail tale tape teal tiepin tile tine vain vale valent valet vane veal veil vein venal venial vent vial vile vine vital



From Polywords

I have added a new Polyword to the collection.

Make as many words as you can using only the nine letters you are given below. Your words should all be four letters or more in length, and they should all contain the letter highlighted in the centre of the grid. You may not use the same letter twice. There is one nine-letter word to find.

See All Words

error otter retort retro retry riot rioter rite rote rotter territory terror terry tier tire tore tort tote trey trier trio trite trot tyre tyro yeti
territory retort rotter terror error otter retry trier trite riot rite rote tore tier tire tyre tort tote trio trot yeti
error otter retort retro retry riot rioter rite rote rotter territory terror terry tier tire tore tort tote trey trier trio trite trot tyre tyro yeti



From Polywords

I have added a new Polyword to the collection.

Make as many words as you can using only the nine letters you are given below. Your words should all be four letters or more in length, and they should all contain the letter highlighted in the centre of the grid. You may not use the same letter twice. There is one nine-letter word to find.

See All Words

aced acid acne acted aide ailed alien alit allied ante anti antic cadet call called candle candlelit cane caned cant canted cedilla cell cent cine citadel cite cited clad clan clean cleat client dace dale dance date deal dealt dean decal decant deli dell delta denial dent dental detail detain dial dialect dice dicta diet dilate dill dine dint eclat edict edit elan eland enact entail iced idea ideal idle inlet lace laced laden ladle laid lain lance lanced lancet land lane late lead lean leant leat lend lent lentil lice lied lien lilac lilt line lineal lined lint lintel lite nail nailed neat nice tail tailed talc tale tall tallied teal tell tend tidal tide tied tilde tile tiled till tilled tine
candlelit citadel dialect allied candle client denial dental detail detain dilate entail lancet lentil lintel nailed tailed tilled acted alien cadet clean dance dealt delta edict enact ideal inlet laden ladle lance leant lilac lined tidal tiled aced acid acne aide ante call cane cell cent cite clan clad dale date deal dean dell dent dial dice diet dill dine edit iced idea idle lace land lane late laid lead lean lend lent lain lied lilt line lint lice nail neat nice tail tale tall teal tell tend tide tied tile till
aced acid acne acted aide ailed alien alit allied ante anti antic cadet call called candle candlelit cane caned cant canted cedilla cell cent cine citadel cite cited clad clan clean cleat client dace dale dance date deal dealt dean decal decant deli dell delta denial dent dental detail detain dial dialect dice dicta diet dilate dill dine dint eclat edict edit elan eland enact entail iced idea ideal idle inlet lace laced laden ladle laid lain lance lanced lancet land lane late lead lean leant leat lend lent lentil lice lied lien lilac lilt line lineal lined lint lintel lite nail nailed neat nice tail tailed talc tale tall tallied teal tell tend tidal tide tied tilde tile tiled till tilled tine



From Polywords

I have added a new Polyword to the collection.

Make as many words as you can using only the nine letters you are given below. Your words should all be four letters or more in length, and they should all contain the letter highlighted in the centre of the grid. You may not use the same letter twice. There is one nine-letter word to find.

See All Words

anent ante anti attire earn eaten eater enter entertain entire entrant entreat inane inert innate inner intent inter intern internet intranet irate natter nattier near neat neaten neater nett nine nitrate nitre rain ranee rani rant rate rein rennet rent retain retina retinae rite taint tanner tare tarn tart tater tear teat teen tenant tenet tenner tent tern tier tine tint tire titan train trainee trait treat tree trite
entertain entrant entreat trainee attire entire innate intent intern natter neater neaten retain tanner tenant tenner eaten eater enter inane inert inner irate nitre taint tenet train trait treat trite ante anti earn near neat nine rain rant rate rein rent rite tarn tart tear teat teen tent tern tier tint tire tree
anent ante anti attire earn eaten eater enter entertain entire entrant entreat inane inert innate inner intent inter intern internet intranet irate natter nattier near neat neaten neater nett nine nitrate nitre rain ranee rani rant rate rein rennet rent retain retina retinae rite taint tanner tare tarn tart tater tear teat teen tenant tenet tenner tent tern tier tine tint tire titan train trainee trait treat tree trite



From Polywords

I have added a new Polyword to the collection.

Make as many words as you can using only the nine letters you are given below. Your words should all be four letters or more in length, and they should all contain the letter highlighted in the centre of the grid. You may not use the same letter twice. There is one nine-letter word to find.

See All Words

arid bail bald ball barb bard bill billboard bird blab blob boar board boil bold boll bollard brad braid bridal brill broad broil dial dill doll dollar drab drill droll idol laid lair laird lard liar lido lilo lira load lord oral rabbi rabid radio raid rail ribald rill road roil roll
billboard bollard bridal dollar board braid broad broil drill droll rabbi rabid radio arid bail bald ball barb bard bill bird blab blob boar boil bold boll dial dill doll drab idol lair lard laid liar load lord oral raid rail rill road roll
arid bail bald ball barb bard bill billboard bird blab blob boar board boil bold boll bollard brad braid bridal brill broad broil dial dill doll dollar drab drill droll idol laid lair laird lard liar lido lilo lira load lord oral rabbi rabid radio raid rail ribald rill road roil roll